Why LinkedIn?
774+ Million professionals across 200 organizations worldwide.
40+ Million - CXO's
150+ Million - Technologists
52+ Million - Decision Makers
18+ Million - Opinion Leaders & Influencers
2.9 Million Groups

High Member Engagement
Last year 6.3 Million attended a virtual event on LinkedIn
Every month 1+ Billion interactions happen on LinkedIn
23% increases in messages sent YOY
#1 Most Trusted Platform - Business Insider
Credible across Verticals & Industries
In technology, LinkedIn generated 2-5x higher Return On Ad Spend than other social media platforms (Analytic Partners Study)
In financial services, LinkedIn generated 7x more incremental customer sign-ups than display media (Analytic Partners Study)
In education, LinkedIn was 2-4x as effective as other display media (Analytic Partners Study)
Thought Leadership
LinkedIn allows you to post long-form content, which many business leaders have used to build influential thought leadership reputations. Long-form content, when used properly, can cement you as an innovative leader and expert in your industry.
Be Consistent
Be Authentic
Create once, Promote forever